About Us
Who is the FPAA?
FPAA is a long-standing alliance of the key sexual and reproductive health organisations from each of the Australian states and territories and is their national policy and advocacy voice.
FPAA works primarily at the national level to uphold, strengthen, and advance sexual and reproductive health and rights, so that all people have freedom and autonomy over all matters related to sexuality, reproduction, gender and wellbeing.
Our work cuts across 20+ national government strategies and policy frameworks in the portfolios of health, education, gendered violence, equity, e-safety, prevention of child sexual abuse and international development.
Through the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) network, FPAA connects internationally with organisations of like mind to further sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.
See our Strategic Plan for more information.

We work to uphold, strengthen and advance sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Who Are Our Members?
FPAA primary members are organisations originally established as part of the family planning movement in each state/territory level to provide a wide range of integrated sexual and reproductive health services including:
public health campaigns
information and education
health promotion and prevention
clinical and counselling
research and development
We build capacity and strengthen systems by translating the best available evidence into interventions that achieve health outcomes for individuals, families, and the wider community.
Since the 1970’s the Primary Members of the FPAA have collectively and individually shaped the reproductive and sexual health landscape through advocacy, policy development, networking, and capacity building at the state, national and international level for more than fifty years.
Associate Members
Associate Members are our sector colleagues. They play a critical role in shaping the priorities of FPAA advising us on the evidence-base, service gaps and community needs.