Progestogen-only contraception and breast cancer

Statement of the Clinical Reference Group of the FPAA Medical Advisory Committee
Breast cancer is a complex disease and several modifiable factors contribute to it including alcohol intake and obesity. Consequently, any risks associated with the use of hormonal methods of contraception must be balanced against their considerable benefits. In Australia progestogen-only methods available include the progestogen-only pill, the contraceptive injection, the implant and the intrauterine device. They have few contraindications and are safe choices for those with a past history or risk factors for deep vein thrombosis or cardiovascular disease and can be used during lactation.
See Progestogen-only contraception and breast cancer for full details.
Note: The Medical Advisory Committee of Family Planning Alliance Australia is comprised of senior medical educators, senior medical officers, and medical directors of the member family planning organisations. The Clinical Reference Group of the Medical Advisory Committee exists as a means to review current clinical practice and provide evidence and consensus-based recommendations for use by clinicians where clinical guidance is lacking.